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Fish and Seafood from A to Z: Hake

Merluza con patatas a la naranjaWithin the frozen fish market, hake stands out as one of the most sought-after products by consumers, attracted by the low caloric content of its lean meat and its delicious flavor.

Here we tell you a little more about hake, its properties and benefits, the fishing area where it is found and some suggestions when making a purchase.


Hake is a long, slender, broad-headed sea fish belonging to the Gadiformes order and the Merlucciidae family. Bluish-gray or brownish in color and with a white belly, it has a minimum length of 20 cm; however, it can reach a length of 1.8 m and weigh more than 10 kg.

This fish receives different denominations according to its weight and size. Thus, specimens weighing less than 2 kg are called whiting and those weighing less than 300 g are called cariotas, pitillos or pijotas; thus, hake is the name given to those specimens weighing more than 2 kg.

Where is it possible to catch hake?

Hake is caught in Spain in the banks located in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Atlantic Ocean; the frozen hake that we sell comes from the FAO-47 fishing zone in the Southeast Atlantic.

Properties and benefits of hake

Among the most outstanding properties of hake is undoubtedly its low fat content: 1.8 g of fat per 100 g of hake. This makes hake an ideal food for those people who are following a low-calorie diet to lose weight and who also want to keep cholesterol levels at bay.

On the other hand, hake provides the body with about 12 g of proteins of high biological value, which contain a large amount of amino acids. In addition, its meat provides minerals such as phosphorus, iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc, as well as B vitamins.

As for the benefits related to hake consumption, we find the presence of folic acid (vitamin B9), highly recommended for pregnant women, the strengthening of the nervous and muscular system and all its energetic nutrients.

Some final tips

When including frozen hake in meals it should be taken into account the choice of a reliable and quality brand and the dedication of special care in the thawing process. It is important to emphasize that frozen fish has a long shelf life, different shaped presentations, very few bones and a very good price.

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