Conaco S.A. is a Cash & Carry company with origins in Cuenca, currently operating in Castilla-La Mancha and the Valencian Community and headquartered in Albacete. This company, very important in the sector and one of the most relevant in the region, is dedicated to the wholesale and retail sale of food in large supermarkets.
This weekend Conaco celebrated its 100th anniversary in the presence of its business partners, such as Mariscos Apolo. This is the 4th generation to reach this milestone. For our part, we do not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate something as outstanding as a centenary in the sector.
Theparty, which took place at the Palacio de Congresos on September 21st and 22nd, was open to all the people of Albacete and they could enjoy the products of Mariscos Apolo as well as the activities that take place there. For our part, we offered 6,000 dishes to the attendees, who were able to enjoy our products.
On behalf of Mariscos Apolo, Ángel Molina, Rosa Alcaide, Modesto Pérez, Francis Moral and Rafa Moral were present at the event.
100 years of company
Conaco, like Mariscos Apolo, is a family company with very humble origins. Both companies started with a modest grocery store in their hometown. Both have also grown with time, work and expanding a family that is bigger every day, that of its workers.
The formula for success of Conaco and Apolo is the same and it is something we want to celebrate together on this anniversary. We wish the company from La Mancha the greatest success for the future and that we can continue to learn from the experience they treasure.
Albacete and the old fair
Although Castilla has a long and extensive history, being the Spanish historical epicenter, Albacete is a city with a very recent history. It got the title of city thanks to Isabel II, since until then (we are talking about the mid-nineteenth century), the place where Albacete is located was a livestock fair where every year about 10,000 head of cattle gathered. The geographical importance of this famous crossroads and its proximity to Valencia, Granada, Murcia, Toledo and Madrid, made this fair one of the most important.
Today the city continues to be an important place of distribution, where Conaco occupies the historical place formerly occupied by this fair, from which Albacete was born as a city. The people of Granada are present in its centenary thanks to the products of Mariscos Apolo.
Source: eldigitaldealbacete.com