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What it means to be a pescetarian

Did you know what it means to be a pescetarian? This type of semi-vegetarianism has a very ancient history. We tell you what it consists of.

Vegetarianism in Ancient Greece

When we talk about Ancient Greece we talk about a really prosperous civilization that brought different changes in society. A society that left its mark throughout the Mediterranean and that today is remembered as the mother of Western thought.

However, its revolution was not only in the fields of politics, philosophy or architecture. Greek thought also affected issues such as food. And it is in this time and place where we find the first convinced vegetarians.

We are not talking about pure vegetarians but about pescetarians. A type of semi-vegetarianism that admits the consumption of fish in addition to foods from the land. The reasons for refusing meat were linked to celibacy for the more spiritual and, in other cases, to health.

Similar types of semi-vegetarianism

Of all the dietary currents, semivegetarians are identified as those who within the vegetarian diet, which is usually related to ethical restrictions, accept some type of food that they consider suitable for their diet. The different types of semi-vegetarianism are characterized, for the most part, by the acceptance of fish. However, some trends accept the consumption of chicken products and even their own meat.

The fact that the consumption of fish and seafood is allowed is due to the fact that the fish trade is considered to be much more ethical.

Is fish healthy?

The Mediterranean is known throughout the world as a place where we know how to enjoy life. Our diet, the Mediterranean diet, has been characterized as healthy. Although it is very rich in fats, these fats come from fish and are completely necessary for proper nutrition.

Fish, in addition to this, has different nutritional properties that are very beneficial for health. Below you can learn about some of them:

  • High energy content: both fish and seafood provide you with a lot of energy and have the particularity of being quickly digested. That is why it is a perfect food for athletes.
  • Antioxidant properties: It is important to regulate the oxidation process in our body. The antioxidants, very present in fruit, for example, are also present in fish and, above all, in fatty fish such as salmon or trout.
  • It favors the heart: Fish contains vitamins and minerals capable of reducing the level of cholesterol in your body and with it, the probabilities that it derives in some type of cardiac problem.
  • Good for the memory: Those who have memory problems are always recommended to eat a diet rich in fish. Fish and seafood have properties that help the memory and this is especially important for children.

2 thoughts on “What it means to be a pescetarian”

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    Quedo atenta a su pronta respuesta,


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