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Fish and seafood from A to Z: Sea Bass

The perfect fish to accompany it with a good sauce. It has not been long since we have valued the gastronomic value of sea bass. Today we want to give it the place it deserves by reviewing its characteristics.

Where to find it

Its scientific name is Dicentrarchus labrax, although few will know it by that name. However, some of you may know it as baila, lobina, snook or snook. We are talking about the sea bass. Its name derives from the word wolf. This is because the sea bass is a predator of the sea. It attacks fast and learns to move in groups in its youth until it ends up living as a lone wolf. If this description of the sea bass has made you fear it, you should know that they usually do not even reach a meter in length and that their prey are crustaceans, small fish, sea urchins and worms.

At Mariscos Apolo we always like to talk about the animal’s habitat. Sea bass can be found all over the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, sea bass are fished in areas along the eastern coast of the Atlantic Ocean, from Gambia and Senegal to southern Norway. Although it can be seen as a wide fishing area, we could speak of this fish as one of the “home” fish.


The meat of the sea bass has a particularly mild flavor due to its diet. Its aroma is also not very intense. That is why it is an ideal fish meat for children, as it is difficult to reject. In addition, thanks to its mild flavor, it is the perfect fish to be accompanied by a sauce to create a delicious dish.

Sea bass in salt, rice dishes with sea bass, sea bass on the back, sea bass baked in the oven, in garlic or grilled, all these are typical dishes prepared with sea bass. However, among all of them there is one that is especially famous. We are talking about the recipe that made us value sea bass. Pedro Subijana gave sea bass the place it deserved in the kitchen with his peppered sea bass dish. Normally, in cooking, we tend to value especially tasty meats, as if it were wine, the quantitative in the intensity of flavor is something important for many. However, today sea bass, and other similar fish, are also valued.

In Basque cuisine, this fish is already a classic. In fact, a classic substitute for sea bass meat is cod. As we all know, cod is also very present in typical Basque dishes.

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