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7 recipe ideas with sliced octopus

One of the star products of Mariscos Apolo is the octopus. Thinking about the times in which we live in which time is money, we have introduced a new option in our catalog: sliced octopus. What can you prepare with our new product?

Seafood pizza with sliced octopus

A pizza option with an irresistible taste of the best of the sea is the seafood pizza. Prepare it with the following ingredients: Pizza base, fried tomato, grated cheese, sea sticks, anchovies, peeled prawns and sliced octopus.

Pizza Marinera

Sliced octopus pizza

Italian food is the favorite of many, that is why we present you another pizza option, this time with sliced octopus as the main ingredient. To prepare it you will need: pizza base, tomato, grated cheese, cherry tomato, red onion, arugula and sliced octopus.

Pizza De Verduras Y Pulpo

Octopus Paella

Paella is one of the most popular dishes. We propose an exquisite option with our sliced octopus. To prepare this rice dish you will need: 300 grams of rice, one liter of seafood broth, one onion, one red and one green bell pepper, two ripe tomatoes, 250 grams of peeled shrimp, salt, oil and sliced octopus.


Octopus Timbale

For the most exquisite palates, we present this option of octopus timbale. The timbale is the form that acquires the presentation of the dish that is prepared inside a cylinder-shaped mold. For the preparation of this timbale we will need: potatoes “a lo pobre”, sliced octopus, sweet paprika, oil and salt.

Timbal Pulpo 1

Sliced octopus brioche

For sandwich lovers we also have a finger-licking recipe option. For this dish you will need: brioche bread, mayonnaise, guacamole, boiled egg, dried tomatoes, lettuce and sliced octopus.


Russian salad

One of the classics of our gastronomy is the Russian salad. To this type of dish where the potato is the protagonist, we can also introduce the sliced octopus and give it a different and delicious touch. To prepare the sliced octopus salad you will need: boiled potato, peas, carrots, sweet paprika, mayonnaise, salt, boiled shrimp and sliced octopus.

Ensaladilla Pulpo

Octopus torreznos

A different way of eating octopus is in the form of torrezno. With the sliced octopus it will be very easy to prepare this recipe as it comes ready to put it in the fryer to accompany your most delicious creams.

Torreznos Pulpo

Write down all the recipes and put them into practice to look like a real chef. Do you want to know more recipes with octopus? In our section Cooking with Apollo you will find them.

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