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Apollo and the Road to Integration

Recently the feast of St. James the Apostle was celebrated, a moment in which AFOPRODEI had the arrival at the Cathedral of Santiago after a very special pilgrimage. It is the way of Curro, a child with a degenerative disease that forces him to move in a wheelchair. With him traveled an expedition of 10 people in which was the AFOPRODEI team and Carmen and Emilio, two blind people. The president of this association, Domingo Pérez, commented on the experience “we started the Camino as a group of friends and acquaintances and we ended it as a small family”.

Thanks to the help of AFOPRODEI, who worked with them during the whole journey, and to Mariscos Apolo, among other sponsors, the Camino was successful.

The road to integration

AFOPRODEI is an association from Seville that helps people with different types of disabilities to practice sports. The idea was born with the project of the blind athlete Emilio Garcia, who together with his two guides, Manuel Mendez and J. Antonio Lopera, embarked on this adventure to integrate as many people as possible.

The purpose of AFOPRODEI (Association for the Promotion and Promotion of Inclusive Sport), is to work for the INCLUSION of people with disabilities through physical activity and sport (hiking, mountain, etc.), In addition to participating in outreach talks on inclusive sport and disability, mainly in schools and collaborate with specific associations that serve these groups.

This association fights for the integration of people with disabilities in sport as a representative element of society. In addition, this association tries to provide an outlet for inclusive sport and offers information about everything that has to do with this.

We talked to the protagonists

Our testimony is useless if we do not ask the protagonists of the trip. In this case, we talked to Paco Pérez, Curro’s father, who has lived the whole process at his side.

What does sport bring to people with disabilities?

For these people it brings integration and helps their physical and mental wellbeing.

Have you had any difficulties during the Camino?

Yes, we have encountered some difficulties in some of the hostels. Not all of them have adapted toilets and steps.

How was the arrival in Santiago?

As you arrive you enter a state of joy and euphoria and at the same time of peace with yourself. A great moment.

How was the Camino experience?

Very good, especially for the company and the people we have met. The truth is that it is very enriching.

What do you take away from the Camino?

I like the treatment of all the people we met along the way, especially Curro. They gave him gifts and had small gestures of kindness with him.

From Congelados Apolo we give you our most sincere congratulations. We are very happy for your great experience. We are delighted to enjoy these moments with you. 🙂

1 thought on “Apollo and the Road to Integration”

  1. Ha sido todo un privilegio, poder acompañar en este “Camino de Santiago Inclusivo 2018 ” , a Curro y a sus padres, que nos han dado todo un ejemplo de vida.

    La experiencia del Camino es inolvidable y aún más con el magnífico equipo de AFOPRODEI, formado por diez personas entre las que además se encontraban Emilio García y Carmen Gómez deportistas invidentes.

    Gracias a APOLO por su apoyo a nuestro proyecto.


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