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Alert situation communiqué

Taking into account the alert situation we are facing, at Congelados Apolo we have issued a statement of alert situation to adapt and ensure the safety of all our customers, employees and collaborators. Therefore, we have taken the following measures:

Logistics Department

Orders will continue to be served to customers to ensure the supply of food stores. To this end, two shifts have been established, with time between them so that our employees do not overlap, and we will take extreme measures to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.

Orders will be prepared and ordered following all the preventive safety and hygiene measures, having the appropriate equipment according to the regulations stipulated by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The deliverymen will work under minimum services, only serving our food store customers and taking all precautions. Under no circumstances will they have physical contact, they will wear gloves and masks and will use disinfectant products. In addition, they will not handle cash, and payments must be made telematically.

Sales Department

Our sales team will continue to attend to all your requests by telephone and e-mail, carrying out their functions from their respective homes. Likewise, the telesales department.

Administration Department

The administration department is working from home. They will attend to all your queries by e-mail, telephone or through the contact forms on our web page during normal business hours.


Two shifts have been established, with a time of one hour between shifts for disinfection and to avoid contact between employees. Of course, they will use all the means of protection and safety indicated above, always ensuring and guaranteeing hygiene and safety at all times.

Important notice

Before visiting our facilities, please contact the department or the contact person to resolve any questions you may have. Access to our facilities will only be allowed to address issues and perform tasks that cannot be performed telematically and not in person, and in any case will be carried out taking into account all safety measures indicated by the WHO.

All our workers whose physical attendance at the workplace is unavoidable for the continuity of the activity of our company will take extreme preventive measures, taking their temperature before leaving home and notifying their manager if they feel any sensation of discomfort, in which case they should rest and stay at home.

From this Congelados Apolo alert, we want to convey a message of tranquility and responsibility, communicating to all interested parties that our company will provide its products to customers so that they can supply the population with food as a basic necessity.

We appeal to the responsibility of all citizens and the awareness that in this situation of alert in which we find ourselves, it is in everyone’s hands that we manage to stop the pandemic.

2 thoughts on “Alert situation communiqué”

  1. Buenas tardes me parece muy bien las medidas que estáis llevando a cabo, espero que entre todos podamos salir de esta situación tan grave. Gracias.


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