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Codfish, protagonist on the table during Easter Week

This atypical Holy Week is beginning, and it is time to think about what products you are going to use for your recipes. We are in the Lenten season in which gastronomy is closely related to tradition. The Codfish in Easter is the most used.

It must be taken into account that meat dishes are not very used due to the prohibition of eating them. Recipes using fish as the main ingredient are the best known, shared with sweets.

Cod, the real protagonist

As a protagonist product, cod stands out, one of the main reasons is that it is exchanged for meat during this time of the year. The recipes that are made are delicious and very versatile, since cod can be used in a great number of recipes.

We are going to tell you the most important curiosities about cod and the ways to desalinate it.

The cod season is from March to October, but thanks to conservation techniques it is available all year round. In the market you can find this product fresh, salted, smoked or frozen. And in turn, you can find it in loins, whole, crumbled, etc.

Bacalao En Semana Santa

Desalting cod

Desalting cod is a time-consuming task and you have to know how to do it well. Here we tell you the best way to do it.

  • The first step is to prepare the water. Keep in mind that each piece of cod must be completely covered by water.
  • Introduce each piece of cod in water and most importantly, with the skin upwards so that the salt is completely removed from the piece.
  • The cod should be left in water for about 36 hours. During this process the water should be changed at least four times to ensure that it is properly desalted.

It is important that the pieces of cod are of the same size, so that they all desalinate in the same way. It is necessary to clean as much salt as possible from the cod before putting them in water, as they are covered with salt when they are bought.

The best recipes

The recipes that can be made with this product are very varied, but we are going to highlight the best known ones during Lent, you will surely love them, as they are traditional and never fail. You can visit our website for more recipes.

  • Cod fritters.
  • Chickpea, cod and spinach stew.
  • Potato stew with cod.
  • Codfish salad.

Whichever recipe you choose and whether you use this product for tradition or simply for taste, the most important thing is the raw material. At Mariscos Apolo we have the best cod, with the best flavor and at the best price. Are you going to miss it? Come to your nearest Apolo products store and don’t let them tell you about it.

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