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Is seafood an aphrodisiac?

It is no coincidence that we ask ourselves if seafood is an aphrodisiac just the day before Valentine’s Day…. Customers who buy all kinds of frozen seafood from us don’t really come to us thinking about these properties, but it seems to be something already known to everyone – perhaps the oyster is the symbol par excellence of this relationship. And whether or not seafood is an aphrodisiac is actually part of its other proven virtues.

Ostras, es el marisco afrodisíaco

Technically and traditionally, an aphrodisiac food or ingredient is one capable of enhancing sexual desire. In any culture there have been theories about foods (and other things that are not food, such as rhinoceros horn) to which almost magical properties are attributed, but without any scientific basis. Yes, there are drugs and compounds capable of altering our hormones in this direction, but with regular foods the debate is not closed.

The high proportions of zinc in seafood invite to think that it can stimulate, in an analogous way, the energy and the feminine and masculine hormones. In fact, they are themselves stimulants of many of our bodily, physical and mental functions. Oysters are the most likely to function as aphrodisiacs, but they would also be aphrodisiacs:

In particular, if it is true that seafood is an aphrodisiac, it would be so because of its relaxing and relaxing effect, contrary to what happens with other exciting aphrodisiacs. A good seafood casserole, for example, would be the culmination of this story. But how much seafood must be consumed for these effects to be perceptible? There is no answer to this… Probably, if we accept the theory that it could be a placebo effect, the supposed aphrodisiac power would also have to do with the cultural tradition by which the consumption of these foods is related to the celebration of special days -we insist, like tomorrow-, or with the feeling of enjoying an “everyday luxury” that encourages us to relax and forget the problems. And in this case, quantity matters very little.

Whether it is something scientific or by suggestion, the consumption of seafood is undoubtedly a pleasure worthy of being shared with our partner -and not only on Valentine’s Day-. And it already has enough proven properties and health benefits, as we have already mentioned in this blog, to doubt its suitability. Let them tell us!

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