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How to lose weight after Christmas

como adelgazar
Via Sabadell, barbera del valles

After a Christmas of opulent and copious meals, it’s time to face the dreaded scales. To lose those extra kilos gained during the holidays, nothing better than a healthy diet accompanied by sport. Despite repeated slogans such as “lose weight fast with this or that trick” there are no magic formulas or miracle diets with which to say goodbye to the extra weight in a short time without facing adverse consequences for health.

Nor is it necessary, on the other hand, to starve oneself to lose weight, a widespread myth that should be avoided because of the rebound effect that often occurs when resuming the usual diet after a rigorous diet. Not in vain, “it is better to lose weight little by little in a safe and lasting way than to go on strict diets that are not healthy and will only help us to lose weight temporarily”, as warned in this article on eating habits to lose weight.

How to lose weight after Christmas then? Learning to eat a healthy and balanced diet, changing bad eating habits, and the practice of frequent physical exercise become the best allies to achieve weight loss gradually, keeping the line later.

pescado a la plancha
Via Madmen Magazine

The challenge begins

The first step to leave behind those extra sizes is to say goodbye to alcohol, sweets and caloric foods that have accompanied this holiday season. Their intake should become an exception rather than a constant. Vegetables, fruits and fish should take their place. fishand fish, mainly, as well as other products rich in fiber and low in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates (sugars).

At Apollo Seafood you can find a wide range of frozen fish to have a healthy diet such as swordfish imported from the best known fishing grounds in the world (boxes of 5 kilos); cod, both belly and tails in bags of one kilo (each box contains five) or hake, either in 1x slices (boxes of 6 kilos), slices (boxes of 6 kilos) or fillets (in bags of 800 grams).

Apart from fish, it is not necessary to say goodbye to exquisite foods such as seafood, a usual companion at Christmas dinners, and with a great advantage apart from its delicious taste: its low fat content. This healthy food, rich in nutrients, can be part of diets without fear of weight. In our cold stores it is also possible to find a wide range of frozen seafood for a healthy diet. frozen seafood for a healthy dietfrom cooked and raw prawns (either Gold Series high quality or in green box, which is distinguished by its more affordable price); to breasts and crab mouths (also Gold Series) or raw shrimp G. But remember, you must cook them without sauces or bechamel sauce.

Generally speaking, you should opt for food cooked grilled, baked or steamed, rather than fried or in sauces.

ensalada de marisco
Via Nosotras

Healthy diet, the major key

Apart from betting on healthy foods, it is recommended to have five meals a day – breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner – to reduce appetite and improve metabolism. In this case, it is not superfluous to follow the popular saying, wise in many pieces of advice: “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar”. It is also advisable to eat slowly and drink plenty of water (about two liters a day).

A healthy diet should be combined with physical exercise, since a sedentary lifestyle does not contribute to weight loss. Daily walking helps to burn toxins and fat, fights cellulite, exercises the muscles and strengthens the legs, among many other advantages. Those who find it difficult to balance their schedules or pockets with the gym can always resort to this healthy habit or to running. On the Internet you can also find numerous exercises to lose weight after Christmas and tone muscles and abdomen.

In short, to lose weight after Christmas bet on a balanced diet accompanied by the practice of sport.

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