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How to get children to eat fish

Teaching children how to eat is one of the most important facets of their education. However, many parents find it difficult to teach children to enjoy certain foods. Today we explain how to get children to eat fish from an early age.

Eating with your hands is good manners

Although it may seem crazy, a recent and very comprehensive study by the University of Nottingham, says that letting babies experiment with food and their own hands is a very positive thing in their learning. And, according to the researchers, the fact of eating with the hands would help the baby to know how to measure the food. Being able to experiment with its taste, smell, touch, shape, texture, etc., would help the baby to become familiar with food and also to reject it less. Thus, when the baby grows up, he/she is more favorable to solid foods. If the baby has not consumed them before and experimented with them, the change can be somewhat costly.

Later on, we can instill manners and teach him to eat with cutlery. In fact, having experimented with food and their own hands will make your baby more prepared to pick up a cutlery and use it without problems.

What a 7-month-old can eat

As you know, when we start to introduce solid foods in their diet, not all of them will be suitable. There are foods that are dangerous for their health. Some of them are fried foods, fruits with seeds, foods that can cause allergies or raw foods. The best foods to incorporate into your diet are vegetables and cooked fish. In fact, it is important that fish starts to be part of your baby’s diet before 8 months of age.

Fish has a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins necessary for the baby’s development. If you want to know which fish are the healthiest, you can visit our article on foods that help prevent VIDOC-19.

Seafood, on the other hand, is an adult pleasure. It is not advisable to introduce it into their diet so early, especially if one of the parents is allergic. When he is older and knows more about it, he will be able to enjoy it as many of us do.

Como Hacer Que Los Ninos Coman Pescado 1

Presentation, a key point

Marketing also works with the little ones. That’s why, when we prepare recipes that are especially for children we have a better chance that older children will learn to look at these foods in a different way. To do this, you can visit the recipes page where you will find recipes designed for the youngest members of the family.

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