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Fish and seafood from A to Z: Crayfish

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Via © Hans Hillewaert

The Norway lobster is among the most appreciated decapod crustaceans for the mild and exquisite taste of its meat. This delicacy represents a clear example that not everything that is good is fattening, given its low calories. In fact, in this aspect it holds the podium of seafood, which is characterized by its low caloric content. It is a food low in fat and rich in proteins, which makes it a healthy product and suitable for diets. However, in people with high uric acid, a moderate consumption is recommended.

It measures 15 to 25 centimeters and, like lobster, lobster, prawns and shrimp, has an elongated body. It has 10 legs and a hard shell of a pinkish to orange color with a reddish tinge in its crevices. Among the physical peculiarities of this shellfish are its two long and spiny front pincers, a characteristic that makes it unmistakable. But, undoubtedly, the most remarkable feature of this seafood is its elegant and delicate flavor. The tails of this shellfish are especially appreciated, so they are usually marketed separately.

Nutritional properties of Norway lobster

Norway lobsters are rich in proteins, low in calories and contain a very low percentage of fat, which makes them compatible with weight loss diets, as previously mentioned. They are rich in B vitamins (B3, B5 and mainly B12), which are beneficial for metabolism, growth, the nervous and defensive systems, as well as for the assimilation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They also contain essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iodine, beneficial for bones, the digestive system, muscle relaxation and the prevention of goiter.

Where do they live and when is their fishing season?

Nephrops inhabit Mediterranean waters, the Atlantic Ocean and the coasts of Africa. Their fishing season lasts all year round.

Buying frozen langoustines

Norway lobsters can be bought fresh or frozen. Apolo sells frozen Norway lobsters, both cooked and raw. The formats available for wholesale are as follows:

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Cigalas Cigalas Gold Series Box

Did you know: 10 curiosities about Norway lobster?

1. Norway lobsters take two years to reach adulthood and become sexually mature when they reach 8 centimeters (between 4-5 years).

2. The female spawns about 4,000 eggs every two years, but fertilization does not occur with mating. The female carries the sperm for some time near the cavity where the eggs are laid. Once they hatch, they are fertilized.

3. The eggs of the Norway lobster, initially green, later turn red. They normally hang from the lower part of the female’s body, which oxygenates them with the movement of her legs, where they are kept for nine months. After this period, they transform into larvae that undergo a subsequent metamorphosis until they reach 10 to 12 millimeters. It is then when their life fixed to the seabed begins..

4. It prefers fine sandy bottoms.

5. Inhabits depths of up to 800 meters.

6. They only come out to feed at dawn and dusk.

7. They usually hide in long galleries dug by themselves with more than one exit to escape from possible predators.

8. Lives in solitary.

9. It is omnivorous and feeds on worms and other fish, as well as other crustaceans and mollusks.

10. They endure very little time out of the water, so it is very difficult to find them alive in the points of sale.

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