Professional access

Apollo seafood is sourced from the best fishing grounds

The search for the best quality in our raw materials is the top priority of Congelados Apolo, for this reason, we continuously carry out quality controls, including visits to the places where our products come from.

On this occasion we would like to explain where some of our main products come from, such as the Vannamei Prawn and the White Shrimp.

Where does the Apolo Frozen Prawn come from?

Prawns are the third most traded frozen product in wholesale markets in Spain, according to the latest data from Mercasa.

In Congelados Apolo the main species of frozen shrimp that we import is the vannamei shrimp(penaeus vannamei). To identify the vannamei shrimp we must look at its body, it is of a uniform pink color, without transverse stripes, and its legs are whitish in color.

Our Apollo vannamei shrimp comes from different fishing grounds in Central America, where it is farmed through aquaculture. Aquaculture is a sustainable practice of farming aquatic organisms. FAO has recognized the rapid growth of aquaculture’s contribution to food security, providing technical assistance through the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, which promotes the sustainable development of aquaculture through improved environmental performance of the sector, sanitary management and biosecurity.

Importamos productos de calidad de los mejores caladeros del mundo
Aquaculture in Ecuador

All the fisheries that supply us have a carefully selected production system in place in order to reduce the impact on the environment and implement certification systems in all their farms.

Where does Congelados Apolo White Shrimp come from?

The origin of our exquisite white shrimp is more varied, but the same monitoring and quality control is carried out as in the case of frozen shrimp from Central America.

In the world market, there are different fishing grounds that stand out for their extra quality, which gives the products coming from them an extra value that differentiates them from the others. In Congelados Apolo we commercialize the three most quoted varieties in the frozen seafood market. Our frozen white shrimps come from the three most outstanding destinations: Huelva, Greece and Turkey.

As we have already talked about white shrimp on other occasions, we encourage you to learn a little more about it in our previous article: The white shrimp: three tasty origins..

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