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The benefits of Omega 3

We have all heard about the benefits of Omega 3. We can consume it in dietary supplements, from some plant sources and even find the label on milk and eggs in the supermarket, but the best way to consume it is still, and will be, in fish, especially blue fish (with the permission of walnuts). In fact, eating all types of fish is always recommended. And now that the holidays are over, even more so.

Beneficios del Omega 3

These polyunsaturated fatty acids are very healthy. The benefits of Omega 3 are going to be especially grateful for our heart, since recent studies (90’s) point out that a high consumption of oily fish (which contains a lot of Omega 3) is an inhibitor of plaques in blood vessels, which benefits the circulatory system, reducing blood pressure. It is therefore a food more than recommended for those affected by cardiovascular diseases (in Japan they consume a lot of oily fish and their heart problems are very low).

Omega 3, cholesterol and the brain

In the blood it also influences the level of LDL cholesterol (the bad one) and HDL cholesterol (the good one), although it must be said that it has not been proven to work in all types of people and depends on the rest of the diet. In fact, it decreases the amount of triglycerides (demonstrated by the University of Maryland), but to notice a positive effect on cholesterol itself, it seems that it is necessary to combine the consumption of Omega 3 with a balanced diet and the practice of sport. It seems a truism, but it is so. The polyunsaturated fatty acid is recommended to combat cholesterol, but it is not a determining factor.

Omega 3 y deporte

There have also been studies linking the consumption of Omega 3 and the psychological state, even stating that it can reduce the risk of depression and postpartum depression in pregnant women. However, on other occasions it has been stated that it contributes to slowing down brain deterioration, and the University of Iowa has recently denied that it benefits intellectual capacity or that it delays cognitive deterioration in the elderly.

The proven benefits of Omega 3

All in all, oily fish and other foods are more than necessary for a healthy diet. And in good quantities. The fact that they reduce blood pressure and triglycerides, control platelets and revive the circulatory system makes them an indispensable ingredient against hypertriglyceridemia, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis and arrhythmias.

In we read which are the fish with the highest concentration of Omega 3:

  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Salmon
  • Caviar
  • Horse mackerel
  • Sardine
  • Tuna

And it is very necessary to consume it, because it is a substance that our organism cannot generate by itself. From Mariscos Apolo we recommend to enrich our diet with the benefits of Omega 3.

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